Saturday, 25 October 2008


Well if you've understood the previous posts, the main part of our video focuses on three different versions of us (The Beastie Boys) in three different outfits. This is obviously because the song is called triple trouble and we wanted to include as many "threes" as possible. When deciding what the different outfits would be, we thought it would be a good idea to split the beastie boys into there three different personalities/influences.

We decided they would be:

Punk outfit.
In 1979 the beastie boys where a punk band called The Young Aboriginies. And punk music remained a big influence on the band throughout all their later work

Hip hop / Gangster
well them being a hip hop group, its pretty obvious that we should portray this side of their personalities.

Business / Money makers

This one was to show the money making side of what they do, after all music is a multi-million pound industry and artists make a lot of money.

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