Sunday, 18 January 2009

I totally agree with you josh, really good original idea it was just flat, watching it back was in fact a little boring. But hey we have created something quick and fast, it's so much more visually engaging with the new footage and of course the fast edit, which has been proven since we have had positive feedback after putting the video on YouTube, people really like the "double me" final cut part. I'm pleased we decided to film the "double me" footage in the end even though we had a little doubt as we were pushed for time it’s a great shot!I think this whole project we have been a little doubtful, changing what beastie boys song to work with at the start I remember thinking that we hadn’t picked the right song. Then spending a whole day in London shooting, bringing it to the computer and editing then a couple months later deciding to chuck 90% of the music video out.Even though we have been a little bit daring (stupid) in the project I feel the reason it has worked so well it down to our planning and enthusiasm as a group, and although getting rid of 90% of the original video is somewhat disheartening I believe it has shown us how working on such projects really work and how they are constructed into a great final piece.Its been great fun and I feel it's definitely the best media production I have been involved with, now all we have to do is write about it, oh yeah!!!!

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